Data Plans

0.5GB 1 / 3GB / 6GB / 9GB

Find a plan just right for you and only pay for the data and support you need.2

  • Data speeds for the irumo (0.5GB) plan are 3 Mbps, using our 4G (LTE) network, regardless of area.
  • Except in specific instances, assistance at DOCOMO shops will incur fees between 1,100 –2,200 JPY (tax included).

Monthly Charges

For Wi-Fi users who don’t need much data.

  • 3GB

    Basic Monthly
    2,167 JPY
    (tax included)

  • 6GB

    Basic Monthly
    2,827 JPY
    (tax included)

  • 9GB

    Basic Monthly
    3,377 JPY
    (tax included)


home 5G Bundle Discount/
DOCOMO Hikari Bundle Discount 1

1,100 JPY (tax included) discount

d CARD Payment Discount 2

187 JPY (tax included) discount

  • After Discount:
    (tax included)
  • After Discount:
    (tax included)
  • After Discount:
    (tax included)
  • The DOCOMO Hikari Bundle Discount will be applied if you have a Family Discount group containing both a home 5G Plan and DOCOMO Hikari subscription.The home 5G Bundle Discount will be applied if you have both a home 5G Plan and DOCOMO Hikari Mini subscription.In cases where monthly fees are prorated, the same will apply to discounts. Note that in order to be eligible for these discounts, you must have a contract for either DOCOMO Hikari or the home 5G Plan at an additional cost. For DOCOMO Hikari, this includes the provider fee and 1GB plan, along with a cancellation fee (5,500 JPY [including tax] for houses, 4,180 JPY [including tax] for apartments), resulting in a monthly fee of 4,400 JPY to 5,940 JPY (tax included).For the home 5G Plan, the monthly fee is 4,950 JPY (tax included) and requires the separate purchase of an HR01 or HR02 router.
  • This applies to customers who have set their payment method to a d CARD/d CARD GOLD U/d CARD GOLD/d CARD PLATINUM (including family CARD) as of the last day of each billing month (for group billing, the setting for the main line will be used).
  • Additional device charges and call fees apply (22 JPY per 30 seconds for domestic calls [tax included]).
  • If you surpass your data limit for the month, your data speed will be limited to 300 kbps until the end of that month.
  • You may notice speeds lower than customers on other plans during times of network congestion or heavy data usage.

For users who mainly make phone calls and want to minimize their data usage and basic fees.

  • 0.5GB

    Basic Monthly Fee:
    550 JPY (tax included)

  • If you surpass your data limit for the month, your connection speed will be limited to 128 kbps until the end of that month.
  • Maximum data speeds for sending and receiving on the 0.5GB plan are 3 Mbps (128 Kbps after going over your data limit).Note that this represents the maximum speed based on technical standards and is not indicative of actual speeds.As the service operates on a best-effort basis, actual speeds may vary depending on your network conditions.Additionally, please be aware that although your phone’s status may display a 5G signal, this plan does not include access to 5G.Regardless of location, your device will connect through the 4G (LTE) network.
  • The home 5G Bundle Discount / DOCOMO Hikari Bundle Discount and the d CARD Payment Discount cannot be applied to this plan.
  • Additional device charges and call fees apply (22 JPY per 30 seconds for domestic calls [tax included]).
  • You may notice speeds lower than customers on other plans during times of network congestion or heavy data usage.


Administrative Fees

Retails Stores &

3,850 JPY (tax included)



  • Note that a handling fee of 3,850 JPY (tax included) applies for certain administrative procedures at stores or DOCOMO Shops, including new contracts, contract modifications, changes in contract ownership, SIM card reissuance, and similar transactions.

Compare Plans & Discounts






Basic Monthly Fee

550 JPY
(tax included)

2,167 JPY
(tax included)

2,827 JPY
(tax included)

3,377 JPY
(tax included)

home 5G Bundle Discount /
Bundle Discount

-1,100 JPY (tax included)

d CARD Payment Discount1

-187 JPY (tax included)

Monthly Fee

550 JPY
(tax included)

880 JPY
(tax included)

1,540 JPY
(tax included)

2,090 JPY
(tax included)

Data Speeds1

3 Mbps3

Equivalent to eximo and ahamo2

Speeds After Going Over Your Data Limit

128 kbps

300 kbps

  • Please review the terms and conditions of each discount.
    Note that the home 5G Bundle Discount / DOCOMO Hikari Bundle Discount and the d CARD Payment Discount cannot be applied to the 0.5GB plan.
  • You may notice speeds lower than customers on other plans during times of network congestion or heavy data usage.
  • Maximum data speeds for the 0.5GB plan are 3Mbps, using our 4G (LTE) network, regardless of area

Call Charges & SMS

Call Charges

22 JPY (tax included) per 30 seconds


SMS (in Japan)

From 3.3 JPY
per message
(no charge for receiving)

International SMS

From 50 JPY
per message
(no charge for receiving)

  • International SMS messages are not subject to consumption tax.

Call Options

Unlimited 5-Minute
Call Option1,2

880 JPY (tax included) / month

Unlimited Call

1,980 JPY (tax included) / month

  • Make unlimited calls up to 5 minutes for a single flat rate. For calls that exceed 5 minutes, an additional charge of 22 JPY per 30 seconds will be applied.
  • Calls not covered by this option, incurring separate charges, include: international calls; incoming and outgoing calls outside of Japan; WORLD CALL; SMS; other providers’ connection services starting with (0570) or (0180); special numbers starting with (188); directory assistance (104); satellite/maritime satellite phones; and calls to phone numbers designated by DOCOMO (like those involving mechanical dialing for prolonged or numerous connections over an extended period).

DOCOMO Email Address


330 JPY (tax included)


  • By subscribing to the DOCOMO Mail Option, you can also use our email service with this pricing plan. However, please be aware that use of the DOCOMO Mail Option is subject to separate terms and conditions stipulated by DOCOMO.
  • If you subscribe to the DOCOMO Mail Option at any point after initiating your irumo contract, please be aware that your existing DOCOMO email address (, along with any email data stored in the cloud, will not be transferred over. Moreover, email addresses that were used with services like eximo or through the DOCOMO Mail Portability feature will be reset to a randomly assigned initial address, and any associated email data stored in the cloud will be deleted.

Discount for Voice Option Flat Rate Charge (Voicemail / Call Waiting)

If you subscribe to either the Unlimited (Kake-hodai) Call Option or the Unlimited 5-Minute Call Option within the same month that you subscribe to either Voicemail, Call Waiting, or both, you will receive a discount on the monthly fee for either or both of these services.


-330 JPY (tax included)

Call Waiting

-220 JPY (tax included)

  • Note that if you are not charged the monthly fee for the Unlimited (Kake-hodai) Call Option (1,800 JPY) or the Unlimited 5-Minute Call Option (800 JPY) within the same month, the fixed rate discount for call options will not be applied.
  • Note that if you subscribe to or cancel Voicemail or Call Waiting mid-month, the applicable discount will be prorated based on the number of days you have used either service.

Discounts and Benefits

Double 1,100 JPY
Discount Bundle

  • home 5G Bundle Discount1

    1,100 JPY discount off your smartphone bill every month when combined with home 5G

    • home 5G Bundle Discount
    • Smartphone Charge
    • home 5G Bundle Charge


  • DOCOMO Hikari
    Bundle Discount2

    1,100 JPY discount off your smartphone bill every month when combined with DOCOMO Hikari

    • DOCOMO Hikari
    • Smartphone Charge
    • DOCOMO Hikari Charge


  • The home 5G Bundle Discount requires a home 5G subscription within the same Family Discount group, incurring an additional fee of 4,950 JPY per month.
    If you have a home 5G Plan subscription within the same Family Discount group, each line within that group that is subscribed to an eligible plan will receive a respective discount.
  • The DOCOMO Hikari Bundle Discount requires a DOCOMO Hikari subscription within the same Family Discount group, incurring an additional fee. DOCOMO Hikari 1giga plans, Type A/B/C (2-year fixed contract), range from 4,400 JPY to 5,940 JPY per month, with a cancellation fee of 5,500 JPY for houses and 4,180 JPY for apartments.
    When a DOCOMO Hikari paired line (a mobile phone line paired with DOCOMO Hikari, excluding ahamo Hikari paired lines) is included in the same Family Discount group, and there has been at least one charge for the basic monthly DOCOMO Hikari fee within the month, each line within that group subscribed to an eligible plan will receive a respective discount.

Make Monthly Payments
with Your d CARD and Save

d CARD Payment Discount3

When you pay with a d CARD/d CARD GOLD U/d CARD GOLD/d CARD PLATINUM, you not only receive a monthly discount, but you also make it easier to earn d POINTs.

187 JPY/month discount when you pay with d CARD/d CARD GOLD U/d CARD GOLD/d CARD PLATINUM. And earn more points by paying with d CARD GOLD U/d CARD GOLD/d CARD PLATINUM! 1% point rewords(4)187 JPY/month discount when you pay with d CARD/d CARD GOLD U/d CARD GOLD/d CARD PLATINUM. And earn more points by paying with d CARD GOLD U/d CARD GOLD/d CARD PLATINUM! 1% point rewords(4)


  • This applies to customers who have set their payment method to a d CARD/d CARD GOLD U/d CARD GOLD/d CARD PLATINUM (including family CARD) as of the last day of each billing month (for group billing, the setting for the main line will be used).See here for more details.(Japanese)
  • By paying with a d CARD GOLD U/d CARD GOLD/d CARD PLATINUM, you earn 1% d POINTs on every 1,000 JPY (excluding tax) spent with irumo.See here for more details.(Japanese)
  • Fees for devices, universal service charges, etc., will be charged separately.
  • Discount conditions differ for contracts under corporate names.See here for more details.(Japanese)
  • Prices shown include tax unless otherwise noted.

Minna DOCOMO Wari Discount

irumo plans are not eligible for discounts, but lines with 3GB, 6GB, or 9GB contracts are included in the count for the Minna DOCOMO Wari discount.See here for more details. (Japanese)

How to Apply

Apply at a DOCOMO Shop

Apply Online


  • Note that a handling fee of 3,850 JPY (tax included) will be incurred when visiting a retail store or DOCOMO Shop to apply for a new contract, make changes to an existing contract, have the name on a contract changed, have a SIM card replaced, etc.
  • irumo Device Compatibility
    Some devices may not be compatible with irumo.Please check in advance whether your current device supports irumo before changing your plan.


  • For those planning to purchase a device after applying for a new SIM with mobile number portability (MNP)
    Applications for a DOCOMO installment payment plan (individual credit purchase brokerage contract / installment sale contract) are subject to a screening process and may be rejected depending on the results.
    If you are thinking about applying for an installment payment plan on the DOCOMO Online Shop, please be sure to review the terms and conditions regarding installment payments (in Japanese only) before applying.

DOCOMO Shops Setup Support

DOCOMO Shop irumo Setup Support

Initial Setup Support (Data Migration)

2,000 JPY (2,200 JPY including tax)
/ service

App Setup Support

1,500 JPY (1,650 JPY including tax)
/ service

Initial Setup Support (OS Account Setup)

Screen Protector Application Support

Setup Support (Backup)

Setup Support (OS Update)

Setup Support (Smartphone Reset)

Setup Support
(Freeing Up Device Storage)

Setup Support (Biometrics Setup)

Setup Support (Wearables Setup)

1,000 JPY (1,100 JPY including tax)
/ service

  • To receive support, you must be a member of the d Point Club.
  • Depending on your device, you may be required to input the password for the Google account being used on your device.
  • For more details, please check with your local Docomo Shop.


irumo Billing Plans
  • If you go over your data limit on a 3GB, 6GB, or 9GB plan, your maximum data speed will be limited to 300 kbps. However, you can continue using your device at regular speeds by subscribing to the Additional 1GB Option or Speed Mode. Each additional 1GB of data used will incur a charge of 1,000 JPY (1,100 JPY including tax).Fees for the Additional 1GB Option and Speed Mode are not calculated on a prorated basis, regardless of the number of days used. Regular speeds will be restored after 12:00 a.m. on the first of the following month due to data prioritization.
  • irumo billing plans are not eligible for certain discounts, including 5G Gigaho Wari, Gigaho Wari, Hajimete Sumaho Wari, Oshaberi Wari, docomo with, U25 Ouen Discount, e-billing Discount, Hearty Discount, Kosodate Support Waribiki, etc.If a line already receiving one of these discounts switches to an irumo billing plan, the discount will be discontinued.
  • When you sign up for a new contract or make an immediate change to your rate plan, the new plan will take effect from the day of application.However, note that when changing from one irumo billing plan to another, the changes will take effect from the following month.
  • Please be aware that some services, such as setup support at DOCOMO Shops, may incur a fee.
  • Monthly fees for billing plans and call options are not calculated on a prorated basis, regardless of the number of days used.However, the fee for that month will be prorated for new contracts (including those with mobile number portability [MNP]) made concurrently with the application. Even if the application is made concurrently with a new contract (including MNP), the fees will not be prorated if there are changes, cancellations, or terminations within the same month (except for those scheduled at the end of the month).
  • For calls spanning multiple months, billing is generally based on the month in which the call ends.
  • If the subscriber of the irumo billing plan (or the representative line of the billing group for those with consolidated billing service) opts for a paper notice, there will be a charge for issuing the invoice or statement. Customers paying via bank transfer or credit card will be charged 110 JPY (including tax) per bill, while those paying via invoice will be charged 165 JPY (including tax) per bill (excluding customers who are exempt from these charges).
Call Charges
  • Voice calls incur a charge of 22 JPY (including tax) every 30 seconds.
Service Area & Data Speeds
  • Mobile phones use radio waves to make calls, send and receive emails, and connect to the internet.There may be instances where these services are unavailable outside the service area or even in locations within the area where radio waves don’t reach, such as tunnels and underground areas.Additionally, in places with heavy traffic, like event venues, or if you have used a significant amount of data over a certain period, you may experience slower data speeds.
  • During times of congestion within our network, irumo customers may experience speeds lower than other customers on eximo or ahamo plans due to data prioritization.This data prioritization is implemented during peak usage times in specific areas within our network and, depending on the level of congestion, may result in slower data speeds (for example, video quality may decrease depending on the quality of your connection while streaming).
Additional Notes
  • This plan is designed for 5G contracts and requires the use of a compatible device,including any 5G device purchased from DOCOMO. If you are using a device from another provider, please ensure that its frequency bands match those offered by DOCOMO.
    If you have a 4G device, check whether it is compatible by referring to the 4G compatible device list (PDF format: 373KB) available on our website (in Japanese only).
    Maximum data speeds for sending and receiving on the irumo (0.5GB) plan are 3Mbps, using our 4G (LTE) network, regardless of area.
  • If you are unable to use the 5G service for reasons beyond your control, and this situation continues for more than 24 hours from the time we become aware of it, you will not be required to pay the monthly fees for this plan and any call options for the days affected.
  • Unused data will not roll over to the following month. This applies to all irumo plans.
  • When using international roaming, the charge for sending an SMS is 100 JPY per message.Message length is limited to 70 characters.
    • The equivalent amount of consumption tax is not added.
  • Calls to satellite ships are charged at 50 JPY (55 JPY including tax) per 30 seconds.
  • For each contract line, you can apply for the Unlimited (Kake-hodai) Call Option just once (including any previous subscriptions to this option). When subscribing, you have the option to recalculate the call charges retroactively, as if the plan had been applied from the first day of the previous month or two months prior. This recalculated billing is calculated based on our specified methods.
    • Note that lines where this recalculated billing has previously been applied are not eligible.
  • During times of network congestion, irumo customers may experience reduced speeds or have difficulty connecting.Additionally, customers who have used a particularly high amount of data in the past three days, including the current day, may experience speeds slower than other customers.If a significant amount of data is used within a certain period, during a single connection, or a device stays connected for an extended amount of time within a certain period, the connection may be interrupted.
  • If a single voice call or data transmission involves prolonged usage or significant data transfer due to mass automated communications or similar activities, or if there are continuous voice calls or data transmissions over a certain period, and if we determine that such usage impacts our network infrastructure, we may disconnect the voice call or limit the speed of the data transmission.
  • If we detect mass automated communications or similar activities that impact our network infrastructure, we may temporarily suspend the use of the lines involved for a certain period.
  • If we detect extensive data usage through specific content or applications that affects our infrastructure, we may limit the data speeds associated with that content or application.
  • For detailed criteria regarding the termination of calls or communications and the limitation of data speeds, please refer to the DOCOMO website.
  • If the subscriber of this billing plan (or the representative line of the billing group for those with consolidated billing service) opts for a paper notice, there will be a charge for issuing the invoice or statement. Customers paying via bank transfer or credit card will be charged 100 JPY (110 JPY including tax) per bill, while those paying via invoice will be charged 150 JPY (165 JPY including tax) per bill (excluding customers who are exempt from these charges).
  • This billing plan is not eligible for the ISP Wari bundle discount.
  • We reserve the right to discontinue part or all of this billing plan. In such cases, we will inform the subscribers through announcements on the plan’s website.Should the entire plan be discontinued, the contract for this plan will automatically terminate at that time.
  • In the event we decide to discontinue the entire plan, as per the above provision, we will notify subscribers of the termination date and other relevant details.We will not be liable for any damages incurred by subscribers due to the discontinuation of the whole or part of this plan.
















  • オプションによって金額は変動します。
  • ドコモ光セット割/home5Gセット割は同一「ファミリー割引」グループ内での「ドコモ光」または「home5G」のご契約が必要となり、別途料金がかかります。ドコモ光の場合、1ギガタイプA/B/C(2年定期契約)で4,400円~5,940円/月(解約金:戸建て5,500円/マンション4,180円)。home5Gの場合、4,950円。
  • dカードお支払割は各ご利用月末日時点でご利用料金のお支払い方法をdカード/dカード GOLD U/dカード GOLD/dカード PLATINUM(家族カード含む)に設定(一括請求グループは代表回線での設定)をされている方が対象です。
    海外での発着信、「WORLD CALL」、「SMS」、(0570)(0180)などの他社接続サービス、(188)特番、(104)の番号案内料、衛星電話/衛星船舶電話、当社が指定する電話番号(機械的な発信などにより、長時間または多数の通信を一定期間継続して接続する電話番号)などへの発信は定額の対象外となり、別途料金がかかります。



毎月の利用可能データ量が無制限※1 でご利用可能なeximo

  • ネットワーク混雑時・大量通信時などに通信制限がかかる場合があります。



